In Tamil Nadu, the festival is celebrated for over four days and each day carrying its own unique rituals and significance. The festival begins with Bhogi on January 13.
The Wildlife Trust of India's collaborative efforts with local fishers and government agencies have saved over 1,000 whale ...
The textile market in Erode, which typically sees brisk Pongal sales, has suffered a significant drop in business due to ...
This was the 34th rescue of whale sharks in Kerala under the programme launched in 2017 in the state along with Kerala Forest ...
The 184th birth anniversary of Colonel. John Pennycuick, the architect of Mullaperiyar dam, was celebrated as Penny Cuick ...
Kaanum Pongal marks the end of the Pongal celebrations. The word ‘kaanum’ in Tamil means ‘to visit’ and so on the day of Kaanum Pongal families hold reunions. There is also a tradition of presenting ...