Working for you, CBS 8 found out how to check where your pet's microchip is registered and what to do if it is Save This Life ...
FILE: Ruby, a two-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, has a micro-chip implanted by a vet in England. In the US, a major pet ...
Several animal shelters across the nation are recommending pet owners re-register their pets’ information. The chips provide ...
After national pet microchip and registration company Save This Life shut down, pet owners are being encouraged to reregister ...
Texas-based pet microchipping company 'Save This Life' is closed for business, suddenly leaving a gap between some pets and their owners.
Save This Life, a national company that manufactured chips for dogs and cats, was listed as inactive on Tuesday, according to ...
Transfer of a microchip registration to another service, including BuddyID and, can help ensure a lost pet is ...
Texas-based pet microchip company Save This Life abruptly closed this week, causing concern among veterinary practitioners ...
The abrupt halt to Save This Life’s service has disconcerted shelters, alarmed pet owners and demonstrated how the loosely regulated microchip industry could leave dogs and cats untracked.
The Texas-based microchip and registration company Save This Life went inactive. The Ocean County Health Department says the chips can be registered with a new company using the same chip.