The latest installment in the Sonic the Hedgehog series earned the strongest reviews of the franchise so far and outran its ...
"Sonic The Hedgehog 3"—starring James Marsden, Jim Carrey and the voices of Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba and Ben Schwartz—is new ...
Unused Sonic 3 concept art hints at Jim Carrey's Dr. Robotnik being a key part of the storyline in the upcoming Sonic 4 movie ...
The fourth film in the Paramount Pictures franchise has grossed a series-best $422 million in theaters and generated more ...
Jim Carrey has become a Hollywood icon over his near four-decade career, but it hasn't been without its issues - including a ...
Here's where to watch Sonic the Hedgehog 3 at home, plus news about a release date for Sonic 4, even this early.
The new face to the films that I'm talking about is Amy Rose, who appears to save Sonic when Metal Sonic robots attack him at ...
Since its release in late December, “Sonic the Hedgehog 3” became a huge box office hit taking in over $387 million at the ...
Paramount's popular Sonic franchise will release its fourth installment, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, on March 19, 2027. The ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has also earned over $200 million at the international box office. The overseas cume stands at $203.5 ...
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails return for their most epic adventure in the hit Sonic the Hedgehog 3, arriving to buy on Digital1.