Wherever you live, growing citrus in large containers is a great option. This way, you can move your trees to protected areas ...
The correct companion plants can help your lemon and citrus trees in a few different ways; Of course, when choosing which trees to plant nearby, you want to focus on plants that require similar ...
Choosing the right window box is key to your sweet marjoram's success. Pick boxes that are a minimum of six to eight inches ...
Cyprus’ citrus trees may be wiped out if a sap-sucking bug thought to have found its way to the island last year through compost in travellers’ luggage, becomes infected with the citrus greening ...
The historical decline of the citrus industry has left farmers without a crop that can grow profitably on hundreds of thousands of acres, and there needs to be a very scalable replacement ...
Beth A: Thanks, Beth, for proving we can grow citrus in the Northland ... fine roots will decay on their own, adding organic material to the soil and probably adding some nutrients along the ...
Citrus trees are abundant at retail garden centers during fall and early winter. They make beautiful holiday gifts, and they are one of the most popular types of fruit to grow in Louisiana home ...