When the Commodore 64 was released in ... [Frank] figured the increased amount of RAM would allow a complete C64 system, so he built it. The new C64 emulator uses a Teensy 3.6, with a small ...
Almost 40 years have passed since Beyond the Ice Palace first released on the Commodore 64 in 1988, but new life has been ...
The project is the work of [Antonio Savona], who set out to play hi-fi audio on a Commodore 64 using only period-correct hardware. That means no 16MB RAM expansions ... to build a new one from ...
Today marks the release of Beyond the Ice Palace 2, and no, you're not imagining things — this is a sequel the 1988 Amiga, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum platformer. Taking the shape of a ...
Actual support for C128 in the form of new software or patches to utilize its faster speed and increased RAM was fairly rare ... just-better versions of Commodore 64 for enthusiasts and collectors.
Credit: STORYBIRD Studio Almost 40 years have passed since Beyond the Ice Palace first released on the Commodore 64 in 1988, but new life has been breathed back into the classic platformer thanks ...