Growing tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia, heightened by arms shipments, risk destabilising the fragile Horn of Africa ...
Zewditu 'Z' Dullo was a single-mom merchant in her native Addis Ababa who came to Nashville to make a better life for herself ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - International Monetary Fund staff and Ethiopia have reached an agreement on economic policies to ...
Somalia's prime minister on Friday accused Ethiopia of actions that "flagrantly violate" Somalia's territorial integrity ...
From Addis Ababa last week, TIME Correspondent James Bell cabled: "His face as sadly impassive as that of a Byzantine saint. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I rose from ...
Ethiopia's ban on fuel-powered cars and motorcycles has created a competitive advantage for electric vehicles.
"TikTok, in particular, has emerged as a stage where complex geopolitical tensions are reduced, dramatized, and frequently ...
Somalia accused Ethiopia of smuggling weapons on Tuesday amid fears that arms going into the conflict-riven Horn of Africa ...
Ethiopia’s PM Abiy Ahmed is on a quest to beautify the capital Addis Ababa, but is the elite-led urban development intended ...
This week saw the launch of the Africa-China Investment and Trade Facility center in Addis Ababa, as Ethiopian and Chinese ...