Hyrule Warriors is the Legend of Zelda's spin on the classic Dynasty Warriors formula of defeating entire armies of enemies ...
Tecmo was established in 1967, while Koei started in 1978. They first merged in 2009 as Tecmo Koei, but have now been ...
Dynasty Warriors: Origins takes place across five chapters. There’s technically a short prologue chapter too, but it’s only a ...
It's worth noting this is all just opinion, and if you disagree that's okay, every game is good so there's no wrong answer here. We've also included the Hyrule Warriors games — they're not ...
Hyrule Warriors is her story, though she may not be in all the missions. Four amazing games to play in December The campaign features a map of a Hyrule that’s dotted with different missions and ...
Can't get enough of Dynasty Warriors? Here are some other games that you might enjoy due to their combat, waves of enemies, ...
There have been a lot of LEGO games over the years, but this is not a collection of all the past LEGO Star Wars games ...
It’s been a long time since Dynasty Warriors 9 launched in 2018. Since then, Omega Force have spent time dabbling in Nintendo ...
Isn’t it strange how some people just might be Dynasty Warriors fans, without ever having played a mainline Dynasty Warriors game? For any other series that would sound like an absurd statement ...