We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
This is the good news of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God. The Gospel of John says that Jesus isn't even a human being at all, but he's a divine presence who comes down to heaven in human shape ...
Encouraging people to share the good news of Jesus was front and center Monday at the 40th annual Western Kentucky Evangelism ...
Sunday of Lent year C ✠ A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 9:28-36 Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went ...
A self described lapsed Presbyterian noted that Boebert assessment was incorrect, quoting Jesus’ teaching ... from Hebrews 13:16 saying God is pleased when we do good works and share with ...
In a letter sent to the organizers, the king expressed “warmest good wishes” and lauded ... in the U.K. do believe that Jesus is the Son of God — and challenged people to share the message ...
The term atonement refers to the belief that Jesus dying on the cross resolved the problems between humans and God. These problems began with Adam and Eve, who went against God's wishes by eating ...
There are likely a dozen good reasons why churches grow. The primary reason, of course, is obvious: God gives the growth. No ...
Jesus is “true God from true God,” “begotten not made,” and “of one substance with the Father.” These truths that lie at the ...