a Lakeside High School student who was killed in a February crash, WANF reports. Hannah Hackemeyer, the 18-year-old driver of the car, was indicted on three counts of first-degree homicide by ...
DECATUR, GA — A grand jury on Wednesday indicted two parents and an 18-year-old girl in connection with a Decatur crash that killed an 18-year-old Lakeside High School student in February ...
Lekiachvili was killed in a crash near Lakeside High School ... Lekiachvil is one of five Lakeside High School students killed in car crashes during the last school year. In March, Channel 2 ...
The case against two DeKalb County parents accused of allowing teenagers to drink alcohol at their home before a fatal crash involving a Lakeside High School ... leaving in a car that was later ...