At the State Capitol Thursday, a proposal was heard that aims to resurrect the retired Minnesota state flag. The bill — ...
Some state legislators say it’s important to commemorate the former flag. Others say problematic imagery and the old flag’s ...
Albert Lea officials recently lobbied at the Minnesota State Capitol for funding toward upgrading the local wastewater treatment plant. Albert Lea City Councilor Larry Baker, Minnesota Sen. Gene ...
Organizers seek to celebrate the role of women in agriculture and raise awareness of issues and challenges they face in their ...
This year’s legislative session started with a lot of vitriol between DFLers and Republicans. But a bipartisan group of ...
Supporters and opponents gathered at State Capitol before the vote, which came after more than two hours of pointed debate.
rally at the Minnesota Capitol in support of HF12, which would restrict who is eligible to play on all-female sports teams in the state. Gaines campaigns against allowing transgender women and ...
"And I don’t say that lightly," Rep. Liish Kozlowski, who identifies as "non-binary," said on the Minnesota State Capitol’s House floor. The representative also claimed to be the "only two ...
State joins lawsuit brought by victim that claims the drywall company ignored her harassment complaints and fired her after ...