Dani, affectionately known as Tessa, receives a delightful surprise during her retirement ceremony with the NYPD. This ...
"Every year we formulate our plan based on incidents that are happening around the world, here in the city," Rebecca Weiner, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism ...
A retired NYPD detective alleges he wrongly has been hit with Canadian tax bills totaling $740,000 because his bosses never ...
Rebecca Weiner, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counterterrorism. (Shawn Inglima for New York Daily News) “We have not identified any specific or credible threats or any nexus to New ...
Police in Nassau and Suffolk counties and the NYPD say they use an array of counterterrorism equipment and tactics in an effort to prevent a vehicle from being deployed as a weapon on crowds of ...
Counterterrorism teams are on high alert in ... people move about their daily lives here," Mayor Eric Adams said. "The NYPD has been closely monitoring recent events in New Orleans and ...
The son of a rabbi from Brooklyn, he eventually rose through the ranks to become an expert in global terrorism and the NYPD’s representative in Israel. Dzikansky is also the author of a new book ...
NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch ... Tisch noted that all spectators can expect to be screened by counterterrorism officers at access points. Once spectators enter the viewing areas, they will ...
Law enforcement sources also told CBS News New York the joint terrorism task force and the NYPD have real-time information on the New Orleans investigation. Law enforcement sources say a December ...