An Honor Code establishes a fundamental social contract within which the University community agrees to live. This contract relies on the conviction that the personal and academic integrity of each ...
The Honor Code and Student Conduct resolution processes, modeled after national best standards, allow us to achieve a balance between accountability and education. This helps students reflect on and ...
The Conn Honor Code is more than a policy, it is an ideology that is expected to be followed in all aspects of campus life by all members of the campus community. From the very first day of student ...
At a lot of colleges and universities, honor codes are mostly concerned with how you behave when you write a paper or take a test. Our nearly 100-year-old Honor Code is much more: it emphasizes the ...
Love and Honor are not platitudes or abstractions at Miami—they name a Code that directs our personal actions and organizes our relationships. They are a lodestar by which every Miamian can make good ...
As medical students, we must respond to this call with personal and professional lives lived honorably ... Heersink School of Medicine have devised this Honor Code so that we may meet the ...
With the privilege of having a diverse student body, students should be able to interact and learn from each other in ways that uphold community respect and personal freedom.* Based on an ancient ...
Infractions of the Honor Code. "As a member of the William & Mary community, I pledge on my honor not to lie, cheat, or steal, either in my academic or personal life. I understand that such acts ...
We value freedom of inquiry that is the heart of life-long learning and combine that freedom with the exercise of judgment and the acceptance of personal accountability ... their professional lives.
either in my academic or personal life. I understand that such acts violate the Honor Code and undermine the community of trust, of which we are all stewards." William & Mary's Honor Council consists ...