Chief Justice John Roberts first arrived at the Supreme Court in 1980, as a law clerk to then-Associate Justice William ...
What Trump is doing isn’t about protecting people from harassment. It’s about engendering fear. It’s about making free people afraid to speak freely.
An excerpt: O’Connor was planning to stay on the Court for another year. She “knew that Rehnquist believed emphatically that the court shouldn’t have two retirements at the same time.” ...
Richard Nixon tried the same thing Donald Trump is trying in not spending money Congress has already approved. It did not end well.
Nixon had told Assistant Attorney General William Rehnquist to order the New York Times and the Washington Post to stop publication of the damaging report that revealed previous administrations ...
Rehnquist had served in the Richard Nixon administration before his court appointment. As a top Justice Department lawyer, Rehnquist proved himself an ardent defender of executive power and law ...
Nixon had told Assistant Attorney General William Rehnquist to order the New York Times and the Washington Post to stop publication of the damaging report that revealed previous administrations ...