The most famous symbol of Hanukkah is the hanukkiah, the nine-branched candelabra which is lit each night, and can often be seen in house windows. Hanukkah celebrations are centred around lighting ...
The traditional Jewish menorah has seven branches for seven candles and is considered a symbol of the Jewish religion. That’s what the Jews used in the first Hanukkah celebration at the temple ...
This year, Hanukkah was celebrated Dec. 10-18. The menorah lights signify the miracle of the oil in the darkness. The menorah is a symbol of when the Jewish people retook the temple of Jerusalem.
Hanukkah has become a powerful public symbol of religious freedom. The New York–based Hasidic movement Chabad-Lubavitch promotes public menorah lightings around the world, including the National ...
Project Menorah was born out of a conversation between two friends — one Jewish, one not — as a way to show support for the community using the holiday symbol Lizzie Hyman is a Writer ...
The Biden administration’s celebration of Hanukkah this year was suffused with grief over reports of burgeoning antisemitism but leavened with words, rites and symbols meant to assure American ...
“Hanukkah is the symbol of hope,” she said. “I think all of us can really lean into what hope means for us, regardless of how you affiliate yourself politically. I think the world is har ...
The most famous symbol of Hanukkah is the hanukkiah, the nine-branched candelabra which is lit each night, and can often be seen in house windows. Hanukkah celebrations are centred around lighting ...