The Irony of Fate” is a turn-of-the-year TV tradition that endures even in households that are now wary of Russian culture.
A gripping journey through seven decades of sexual ignorance, oppression, and suffering, brought to life through the words and experiences of the first Soviet sexologist. Ukrainian survivors of ...
to be “different”, to lose his hair because of pollution and to fall in love with a Chechen girl. All this during the turbulent times of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Restored footage shows how the Soviet Union reacted to Uncle Joe’s demise ... we’d be treated to not one but two movies about one of history’s most delightful events, the demise of Joe ...
I WORKED FOR RONALD REAGAN AND I LOVE HOW LIBERAL CRITICS ARE UPSET ABOUT THE NEW MOVIE "I came here almost ... and dined Western writers in the Soviet Union to disseminate a deceitful message ...