Canadian and otherwise – is replete with personalities who left an impact, made a difference good or bad. How that legacy is retold is more often a reflection of the values of “story-teller’s values” ...
TORONTO - Pupi Avati one of Italy’s Horror Film masters, best known for his Giallo masterpieces The House with Laughing ...
It is sometimes beneficial to recall that other people, other cultures, impact on our experience. Special Alert: someone had the audacity to live Life before we decided to be born. In the early 50's, ...
TORONTO - The prelude to the "economic warfare with the USA (Trump) is not over yet. The State of the Union Address tonight ...
TORONTO - With the 97th Academy Awards now in the can and the perennial “shock wins” and “snubs” recorded into history, we ...
TORONTO - The impact or significance of cultural spaces is usually only contemplated when such outlets become scarce or ...
The rule by the people, for the people – a most prized structure that we maintain is a fundamental principle of our national ethic; it is who we are. The “majority rules”, we say. That principle is ...
TORONTO - Tre canadesi su quattro sosterrebbero un corridoio energetico nazionale ed un oleodotto dall'Alberta al Canada ...
TORONTO - Dalla "Cucina di Teresina" ... ecco altre tre ricette dal Friuli Venezia Giulia. Inviate le vostre ricette italiane ...
TORONTO - Brusca accelerata verso il voto anticipato in Canada. Da ieri è finita ufficialmente l'era di Justin Trudeau alla ...
TORONTO - La Città di Toronto e il CUPE Local 79, che rappresenta migliaia di lavoratori comunali, affermano di aver ...
TORONTO - La storia, canadese e non solo, è piena di personalità che hanno lasciato un segno, hanno fatto la differenza nel ...