Can cannabidiol (CBD) be used to counter insecticide resistance, specifically for mosquitoes? This is what a recent study ...
How do fossil fuels influence the atmospheric chemistry of the Arctic? This is what a recent study published in Nature ...
New research published in The Lancet Regional Health Europe suggests that eating more ultra-processed foods leads to a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This risk can be reduced by replacing ...
Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV damages the immune system to prevent the body from fighting off disease and infection. If ...
The body increases temperature to fight off infections and illness. This temporary increase in temperature, also known as a ...
Glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer, has a very poor prognosis.  More than 95% of glioblastoma patients die within five ...
How can electronic waste, also known as e-waste, be recycled without resulting in negative environmental impacts that are often produced with traditional e | Technology ...
A new study reported in BMJ Global Health is highlighting the significant cost of bottled water. The study has estimated that about one million bottles .. | Earth And The Environment ...
AAT Bioquest is a US-based bioreagents company that specializes in assay technologies. AAT Bioquest's reliable, high performance products enable life science researchers to better understand ...
As we age, wrinkles build up not only in the skin, but also in tissues and organs. Wrinkles in tissues and organs often form distinct patterns ... | Cell And Molecular Biology ...
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) targeting areas of the brain connected to the amygdala may reduce symptoms of PTSD in ...
A study published in Horticulture Research identified a key gene known as CsMIKC1 that controls the number of flowering ...