It may be a century old but the Sunshine auto header is ready to harvest, and it was only natural for the milestone to be ...
True blue Aussie owned food processors have united in an effort to steer consumers down the correct path of voting with a ...
Last week presented a mix bag of weather conditions for purchasers attending the Jerilderie-based ram sales, with a welcomed ...
Highly productive 692 hectare (1708 acre) southern Riverina property Pine Lodge features a magnificent 80 square five bedroom ...
The top-priced ram from Armdale Park is bound for stud duties with a long term repeat buyer securing the Poll Dorset.
An award-winning dairy business in the Upper Hunter is marking a major milestone by gathering its own cattle herd and going ...
While some NSW farmers are still assessing the damage from savage frosts, hopes are building that forecast late September ...
Loyal long term clients showed their support at Paraway Pastoral Company's Pooginook Merino and Poll Merino sale near ...
A new sire to The Yanko Merino breeding program has made a statement today with a son topping the sale held today near ...
Buyers sought drought-tolerant rams with high growth rates at the 21 st annual Macquarie Dohne Production ram sale, held ...
Wild oat sheepmaster stud at Beckom experienced a full clearance during its inaugural on-farm ram sale on Tuesday with an ...
Everyday regional and rural drivers are being asked to travel along roads which are sub-standard, putting added strain on ...