Since 2016 the Australian and French governments have seen the Indo-Pacific as a major theatre of competition against Chinese ...
The blindness to how the nations that ‘host’ US military bases might feel, and the patronising nature of imperialist and ...
MARTINIQUE: The island of Martinique is a French overseas territory in the Caribbean. Authorities there have imposed a curfew ...
The data is based on 2013 figures released by the IMF’s International Financial Statistics and demonstrates that 88% of the ...
On 19 September the US government increased its sanctions on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Russia and Syria.
North Carolina declared a state of emergency following a tropical storm that dumped a massive 45 cm of rain in 12 hours. At ...
One of the Party’s longest serving members, Beryl Miller, recently turned 98 and is still a keen reader of the Guardian – ...
An example: ‘war communism’ was treated as an unreasonable policy that caused anarchy, instead of as an economic policy ...
The administration has proven to be theft of union members’ assets. For example the cost of the administration bill which ...
International solidarity with the Lebanese people and their right to resist the occupation is required today more than ever, ...
The Communist Party of Australia conveys its warmest congratulations to comrade Anura Dissanayake Leader of the JVP and National People’s Power, NPP for his expected win in the presidential election ...
The Communist Party of Australia condemns in the strongest possible terms the criminal attacks on the people of Lebanon by ...