NetChoice's legal battle of Texas's platform-curation law continues to unfold in the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
It would be profoundly ironic if the People's Republic of China, which censors internal dissent and blocks outside news exposing its flaws, used the First Amendment as a sword against the United ...
I wrote about the grid defection discussion circa 2014, motivated by Elisa Wood’s webinar with Seyyed Ali Sadat and Joshua Pearce of Western Ontario University on their new paper in Solar Energy.
Employer preferences for graduates from 34 elite universities harms social mobility and diversity of thought in the workplace.
In a country with widespread use of quotas, preferences and set-asides, we seldom see unadulterated merit, especially in academics. As board members of a foundation that awards scholarships based ...
“They who built up the wall, and they who carried the materials, every one of them with one of his hands worked at building, and with the other hand held a weapon.” –Nehemiah 4:17 We are ...
Lee Edwards, who died last week at the age of 92, was right from the beginning. Consider the moment of his political awakening. When Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary in 1956, crushing an anti ...
President-elect Trump is right to want Congress to deal with the debt ceiling this week, before he takes office. Congressional Republicans should support Trump and pass a stopgap funding bill that ...
Senior Fellow James Pethokoukis discusses the political power of Elon Musk and the battle in the House following the government funding bill on CNBC’s ‘The Exchange.’ ...