Absenteeism, ineffective reading curriculums, and lack of support for teachers contribute to the dismal scores.
New Hampshire is in the top 10% of states when it comes to fourth-grade and eighth-grade reading, according to the latest ...
While Montana isn’t scoring as high as it did in 2019, the state exceeded the national average and that of surrounding states ...
Some educators argue that state tests don't do much more than evaluate students' ability to perform under pressure.
Changes to state standardized tests have made it difficult to compare how Texas students are doing in school in recent years, but national tests known as the Nation’s Report Card can provide clarity.
Results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) are in, and Oklahoma remains near the bottom nationally.
The new results continue the record, going back almost two decades, of MPS results being among the weakest in the country.
Reading scores among fourth graders on the 2024 assessments are the same as the 2022 results – which Gov. Glenn Youngkin called catastrophic at the time.
After a multi-year hiatus, A-F grades are likely to be used again to measure the quality of Indiana’s schools.
While the highest-performing students started to regain lost ground, lower-performing students fell further behind.
For the second time, Louisiana’s 4th graders led the nation in reading growth on the NAEP exam, a test given every two years ...
Alabama fourth graders saw record-breaking gains in Math on the National Assessment for Education Progress results released ...