The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has fielded Saurabh Bhardwaj from the Greater Kailash (GK) seat in the Delhi Assembly elections scheduled for February 2025. Mr Bharadwaj, a three-time MLA, is the ...
N.Y. The company debuted a special anniversary logo to commemorate this milestone, reflecting its enduring role in building America's infrastructure and its commitment to innovation. "Every Mack truck ...
Really the only redeeming feature is that the Jets created two separate versions of this logo – one for their white sweaters and one for their blues. The resulting effect is very much for the ...
Photo shows Two young women hold aloft large candles as they celebrate with a crowd of protesters carrying signs.
TODAY several boats that had stopped at Motukea and Fairfax Harbour were approached by a dinghy with armed suspects threatening workers on board the ships saying they were returning tonight.