The true crime show The Breakthrough is one of the most popular shows on Netflix right now. Here's why you should binge it.
Univision is leaving behind the romance and intrigue of its late-night primetime telenovela slot to make way for the ...
After a period of relaxed sentencing laws, a tough-on-crime approach is back in political favor in the U.S.
Two people were injured and a woman was killed on Saturday evening after a man stabbed the three of them in the heart of ...
Reyes was reportedly found “lying in the driveway” by a passerby, according to WCTI. The two homes are about 4.5 miles away ...
Controlling crime, expanding education options and cutting taxes will be the top priorities for Missouri, new Gov. Mike Kehoe ...
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
Netflix constantly rolls out new shows and movies, which sometimes means smaller releases can fly under the radar when bigger ...
Gov. Kathy Hochul was forced to significantly acknowledge subway crime and mental illness in her policy-setting “State of the ...
Crime in Paducah dropped 16% in 2024, and Paducah Police Chief Brian Laird said it wouldn't have happened without your help.
DALLAS — The Dallas Police Department reported an 8.2% decrease in violent crime across the city in 2024, including a 26% ...
Americans, and a dismaying number of politicians, keep crying for a crackdown on crimes that aren’t happening.