The "Deadpool" franchise is named in Justin Baldoni's new lawsuit against "It Ends With Us" costar Blake Lively and her ...
Deadpool just got a new costume in Marvel Comics, & it means bad news for the entire world, as Deadpool's new suit comes with ...
Wolverine and Deadpool may be an iconic duo, but this unlikely pair of heroes is already an ultimate tag-team duo who ...
"It is not strange that Ryan Reynolds was named in light of Baldoni's theories in the complaint," a defamation attorney tells ...
It Ends With Us” actor and director Justin Baldoni is suing his co-star Blake Lively and her husband, 'Deadpool” actor Ryan ...
It Ends With Us” actor and director Justin Baldoni has sued his co-star Blake Lively and her husband, “Deadpool” actor Ryan ...
Actor and director Justin Baldoni has sued his co-star Blake Lively and her husband, “Deadpool” actor Ryan Reynolds, for ...
Baldoni’s suit seeks at least 400 million US dollars (£327 million) for damages that includes lost future income.