Lead exposure is responsible for a range of human health impacts, with even relatively low levels impacting the cognitive ...
Health and climate experts say wildfire smoke is setting California back in its efforts to reduce air pollution.
In the days after the devastating wildfires, air monitors recorded some of the highest levels of air pollution in recent ...
Humanity achieved a fateful milestone last year. The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service has officially ...
Lead exposure is responsible for a range of human health impacts, with even relatively low levels impacting the cognitive ...
The new research adds context to a long-standing debate about the role lead pollution and poisoning may have played in the ...
Arctic ice cores uncover how Roman lead pollution led to widespread IQ declines over 2,000 years ago, revealing impacts on ...
Lead pollution might sound like a modern problem, but people were subjected to significant levels during antiquity, too.
Researchers see a growing health danger from the vast plumes of pollution spawned by wildfires like the ones devastating Los ...
A study analyzing Arctic ice cores reveals that lead pollution during the Roman Empire's height contributed to an estimated 2 ...
Atmospheric lead pollution likely caused cognitive decline among citizens of the Roman Empire, according to research ...
Researchers studied cloud formations near 67 major industrial sites around the world. They discovered that pollution ...