Foie gras, a French dish made from fattened and prepared duck or goose liver, is not typically what you might think of when you hear "home cooking." But with a little bit of patience (and brine ...
The Government recently refused to commit to following through on a pledge to ban the import of foie gras – which is not ...
WASHINGTON (7News) — Animal rights groups are working hard to ban foie gras from stores and restaurants in America, including Washington, D.C. The French delicacy comes from enlarging duck livers.
(The Center Square) – While recognized as a delicacy around the world, state lawmakers may advance a proposal Wednesday to outlaw foie gras and the practice of “force-feeding” across Washington.
Inside, the foie gras glistened with a luscious creamy sheen, prompting a sigh of relief from the head chef — it's the right ingredient. Little did this "goose magnate "from Anhui province ...