A while ago, Saif Ali Khan's Hum Tum co-star Rani Mukerji arrived at the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai to check on the actor's health. Khan was attacked by an intruder and hospitalized on January 16.
Pushpa 2, starring Allu Arjun in the titular role, is heading for its finish soon. The mass action drama collected Rs 90 lakh on 7th Sunday (Day 46).
Travis Kelce celebrated Cheifs’ playoff victory with a cute nod to girlfriend Taylor Swift. The pop star who was present at the match was seen cheering and celebrating the NFL star’s touchdown!
Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and family have purchased two luxury apartments in an under-construction project named Twenty in Mumbai's Juhu area ...
Govinda Naam Mera is a Kiara Advani movie ... ALSO READ: 6 Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji movies displaying their talent and chemistry ...