Mozambique's opposition leader, Venancio Mondlane, has revealed that President Daniel Chapo is not open to talks. In an exclusive interview with DW, he accused the ruling Frelimo party of hypocrisy.
MAPUTO - Mozambique opposition leader Venancio Mondlane told AFP on Wednesday that he was not interested in joining the new government formed after a deadly months-long dispute over election results.
O facto de a maioria das vítimas serem próximas de Venâncio Mondlane faz acirrar as desconfianças em relação ao partido que o suporta. Mas o PODEMOS nega que esteja a dar pouca importância ...
Based on this, and other accounts of fraud, the opposition candidate Venâncio Mondlane claimed to have won the elections and coordinated several weeks of protests across the country. These were ...
Mozambique opposition leader Venancio Mondlane said on Wednesday that he was not interested in joining the new government formed after a deadly months-long dispute over election results.
O hino de Moçambique voltou hoje a ser entoado por centenas de populares em diferentes ruas do centro de Maputo, em resposta ao apelo do ex-candidato presidencial Venâncio Mondlane, terminando ...
Adding to the controversy, police have denied involvement in the daylight killings of opposition aides Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe, who were linked to opposition leader Venâncio Mondlane.
But supporters of Venancio Mondlane, who claims that he won the presidential election, did not bother to explain what the destruction of schools has to do with the election results. The STV ...
Ele também era um ativista que apoiou o líder da oposição Venancio Mondlane nas eleições recentes. Ele foi visto pela última vez em 7 de janeiro, enquanto viajava entre as cidades de Pemba ...
O ex-candidato presidencial Venâncio Mondlane apelou em dezembro, durante os protestos pós-eleitorais em Moçambique, ao não pagamento de portagens no país, sendo que após a destruição e ...