A new study published in PLOS One found that men and women misjudge what the opposite sex finds attractive.
Study sheds light through their intriguing experiments with 3D face models that people may be harboring expectations of beauty based on stereotypes.
However, many see respect as essential to masculinity. They believe that real men don't need to assert power over others — ...
Androgynous | Identifying and/or presenting as neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine. Androsexual | A person who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to masculinity or people ...
This story appears in the January 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine. To a degree unimaginable a decade ago, the intensely personal subject of gender identity has entered the public square.
However, we do still think of some things as being masculine or feminine. For example, boats are often thought of as feminine (she). Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic and Welsh have masculine and ...
A recent Trump executive order defines sex based on gamete size. But the order oversimplifies genetics, hormones and reproductive biology.
However, earlier research has often treated lesbian women as a single, undifferentiated group, even though some identify with a more masculine style while others lean toward a feminine presentation.