There are three possible outcomes if a needle somehow traveled at a speed of more than 670 million mph and hit our planet ...
Filmmaker Magnus von Horn discusses his gritty film, now nominated for the best international feature Oscar.
The 'i' in Apple products like iPhone and iMac stands for internet, individual, instruct, inform, and inspire. Introduced by Steve Jobs in 1998, it embodies Apple's vision of connectivity ...
Nottingham triple killer Valdo Calocane was not forced to take long-lasting antipsychotic medication because he "did not like needles", a damning independent report has revealed. The investigation ...
The 48-year-old actor models both luxury timepieces and eyewear in a campaign released this week, and he calls the opportunity "a great honor." Added bonus: Posing next to a Porsche 911.
Needle-free vaccines, however, could be the answer to solving many of these bottlenecks, as they are manufactured differently from traditional needle-based vaccines. Additionally, as can be seen with ...
The 48-year-old actor models both luxury timepieces and eyewear in a campaign released this week, and he calls the opportunity "a great honor." Added bonus: Posing next to a Porsche 911.
Orlando Bloom has jumped in the driver’s seat for a new gig — as the face of Porsche Design. As the brand’s new ambassador, the 48-year-old actor models both timepieces and eyewear in a ...
Preliminary studies suggest the capsule (the size of a blueberry) not only avoids the need for needle jabs but also reduces the risk of side-effects (caused as the injected drugs have to circulate ...
Eight new restaurants are anticipated to open in Louisville in February. The new restaurants range from fried chicken to hot dogs to Latin-inspired cuisine. One new restaurant, Crave Hot Dogs and ...