Scientists in Oregon have now found microplastics – particles smaller than 5 millimeters from the degradation of plastic in ...
Earth bubbles and broils beneath an underwater peak called Axial Seamount, located 480 kilometers (300 miles) off Oregon's ...
On the wonderfully wild beaches of America’s Pacific northwest, Lauren Jarvis discovers a salty, sustainable smorgasbord of ...
This prestigious designation represents years of dedication by the Sisters community to raise awareness about the importance ...
The Jan. 24-25 event is intended to blend science and art to "bring hope and excitement," as the festival director says.
A metallic and reflective visual anomaly, called the Taraia Object, is the main body and tail of the missing aircraft, ...
A metallic and reflective visual anomaly, called the Taraia Object, is the main body and tail of the missing aircraft, ...
The Pacific Coast in Oregon is known for its wild shoreline, gravity-defying cliffs, and quirky coastal towns. A meandering ...
Frequent earthquakes 300 miles off the coast of Oregon signal escalation for the underwater volcano named Axial Seamount.
The Axial Seamount is predicted to erupt in 2025, presenting a rare opportunity for scientists to test their models—tools that hold the potential to save lives.
Oregon scientists are hoping to help the coastal communities survive a major inundation in various ways. One of those is ...
Oregon homeowners who live in certain areas at high risk of wildfire must now meet new building and so-called defensible space codes ...