This is the third installment in a series of stories exploring memory disorders in the Chippewa Valley. In today’s installment, two women share their experiences of loss due to dementia and how music ...
The Brain Tour, inside dementia is an app designed for iOS and Android phones, that uses augmented reality to transport users inside the brain. Whether you're curious to explore a healthy brain or ...
Music is a powerful and cost-effective asset that can make us healthier. Why don’t we treat it as such across our national ...
In our crazy times, relaxing after work with mindless scrolling is hugely tempting. It’s also hugely harmful. Science offers ...
Maintaining optimal ear health often falls by the wayside in today’s fast-paced world. Many individuals struggle with ...
Various diseases can be treated by stimulating the vagus nerve in the ear with electrical signals. However, this technique does not always work. A study has now shown: The electrical signals must be ...
Talking to trees is a way to connect with nature on a deeper level, even if it seems like an odd habit people make fun of. It ...
Musical instruments are a famous way for adults to learn something new, with piano an especially popular pick. Many who begin ...
On the other hand, sleeping too often — more than 9 hours on average every night — is another everyday habit that can damage ...
The vestibular system is a network of organs in the inner ears that detects the motions and position of the head.
Develop as a musician at the School of Music, where educational and performing opportunities abound. Located in one of the most artistically active areas in Florida, grow your artistic excellence ...
Discover the science-backed benefits behind rage workouts and learn how channeling anger into exercise can reduce stress, ...