When the Vegas Golden Knights hit the ice in 2017, they didn’t just ignite a fan base—they inspired an entire generation of ...
Idaho lawmakers are revisiting the "Add the Words" bill, an effort to expand anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ ...
The Idaho Sled Dog Challenge is a grueling race that tests the fitness of the dogs and the skill of the mushers. The race ...
Montana doesn’t offer snow skiing as a sanctioned high school sport. But Wyoming does – both nordic and downhill – and the Sheridan Broncs are blazing their own new trail.
A man was killed early Thursday after a horse ran through a guard rail at Legacy Park race track in Washington County.
Bakersfield College host their Spring Media Day on January 15. They introduced returning athletes and coaches to the community, getting them excited for their seasons.
A traditionally action-packed section of the road course could race much differently after safety changes were made because of a NASCAR crash in 2023.
A Republican lawmaker is proposing a ballot measure that would change the Arizona's early-voting system. He says the vamp would make ballot-counting faster.
President Biden will deliver a farewell from the Oval Office on Wednesday, touting many of the economic accomplishments that ...
Rep. Teuscher is looking at introducing a bill allowing citizens to petition for a ballot measure exploring whether a county with more than 1 million people should split into two smaller counties.
With sights set on major growth prospects this year, Cincinnati tourism officials projected optimism during their annual meeting on Wednesday.
The St. Thomas/St. John Horse Racing Commission is investigating conditions at the Clinton E. Phipps Racetrack on St. Thomas and has halted all racing after three horses had to be euthanized when they ...