A timely report on governance in South Africa's healthcare sector released last year identified several serious shortcomings. As the political and administrative wheels again start turning in 2025, we ...
I actively seek and provide feedback. I learn from every success and failure. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics The Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board set out the principles and practices ...
The ability to see what DeepSeek is "thinking" before it delivers answers reveals some fascinating insights into how the AI ...
In a town hall, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company remains committed to diversity and free expression after unwinding ...
What we need is true respect for different cultures to help bring people together. This isn't as easy as it sounds and requires determination and constant effort.
How can you apply the new UAB Shared Values in your work? That is the subject of a new series from UAB Human Resources Learning & Development. Each virtual session will feature guest speakers from ...
For as long as we’ve had democracies, majority rule has left some in the minority worse off. We need to be talking about what ...
The data also concluded trust in information from news organizations varies by age and political party, with 78 percent of ...
According to the National Catholic Educational Association, enrollment in Catholic schools nationwide is currently close to 1.7 million students.
Americans venerate the four ethical principles as articulated by Beauchamps and Childress: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. However, in the current controversy pitting “medical ...
Americans venerate the four ethical principles as articulated by Beauchamps and Childress: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. However, in the current controversy pitting “medical ...
So when the media that Gen Z consumes are dominated by fear — be it through headlines, social media posts, political rhetoric or even storylines in movies and TV — it could shape their worldview in ...