The Taxi and Limousine Commission is considering shifting its service for wheelchair-accessible rides to a muti-vendor model.
Michael Shelonchik, a 53-year-old man, was beaten to death by two male suspects and found dead in the back of a taxi in the ...
According to his family, Shelonchik “was senselessly beaten for his chain necklace, before doctors said he’d never make it ...
Milton Glaser’s first sketch for his iconic “I ♥ NY” logo is among the highlights of a new show celebrating design “as an ...
New York City is walking back a proposed rule change that would have required taxi and rideshare drivers to be covered by a “solvent and responsible” insurance carrier, after Uber Technologies Inc.
New York City has withdrawn a proposed rule change that would have mandated taxi and rideshare drivers to have coverage from ...
New York Governor Kathy Hochul proposed measures to stabilize the city’s taxi and rideshare insurance industry, which is reeling from the insolvency of its largest provider American Transit ...
The next time you take a taxi or ride-share trip, you might be talking to your driver about locking the doors. After recent robberies, a group of drivers says New York ...
Since the first day, it was a story of fighting injustice,” inDrive’s CEO Arsen Tomsky tells TIME. “That is what really ...
Five improvised movie scenes better than anything a writer could come up with, including iconic scenes in 'Taxi Driver', ...
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Robert De Niro has a net worth of $500 million. He has been a part of more than 100 films ...
Brains are nothing like computers and human cognition operates in fundamentally different ways to current artificial intelligence systems. Human thought processes are truly unique and much more ...