Perry, the donkey who inspired the beloved character Donkey in the animated film Shrek, has died at the age of 30. Perry resided on a farm in Devon, England, and was known for his friendly and ...
The miniature donkey Perry, who inspired the Shrek character dubbed by Eddie Murphy, Donkey, died at the age of 30 ...
Perry, a 30-year-old donkey, was known for serving as the model for the character Donkey, voiced by Eddie Murphy, in the ...
Known as the inspiration for the character Donkey, voiced by comedy legend Eddie Murphy in the 2001 animated classic “Shrek,” Perry was a beloved staple in the Palo Alto community, remembered for his ...
Perry, the all-star Jerusalem donkey who served as the visual inspiration for Eddie Murphy 's motor-mouthed and dragon-loving character in the animated Shrek franchise (the first three films are now ...
Perry the donkey, who lived just two miles off campus and was beloved by many Stanford community members, died in early ...
Shrek's cinematic return is still coming, but he'll have to wait for the Minions to get done taking over summer 2026.
Universal Pictures has shifted release dates for 'Shrek 5' and 'Minions 3,' dating both blockbuster animated franchises for ...
There's some bad news for Shrek fans today as the long-awaited fifth movie has just been delayed. However, fans of the ...
At the same time, the studio said Friday it is moving up Illumination’s Minions 3 from June 30, 2027 to Shrek 5 ‘s previous ...
Delays are never fun, especially for franchises as beloved as DreamWorks’ Shrek, though this time around there is a silver lining. Today it has been revealed (via Deadline) that Universal Pictures and ...
Universal Pictures has delayed Shrek 5 by a few months to December 23, 2026 while putting Despicable 3 spin-off Minions 3 in ...