Public Comment Period on Issues of Organic Integrity Closes Today. Farming is a notoriously risky enterprise, and organic ...
Office of Inspector General and investigative reporters shine light on serious deficiencies in cancer assessment process for ...
Health is threatened as risk assessments and risk management practices do not keep up with advancing scientific evidence.
This National Organic Month, advocates, consumers, and farmers continue to call on policymakers to expand opportunities for ...
DNA damage due to pesticide exposure is higher in Latinx farmworker families than urban, non-farmworker children, according ...
Paraquat exposure and its link to Parkinson’s disease is leading to policy battles within California and nationwide.
Bee pollen is produced by honey bees. After they forage on flowers and gather pollen on their hind legs (in pollen baskets or ...
Image: Shelf labeling at Blue Hill Coop, Blue Hill, Maine. Note three levels of information: Local Maine Organic, Organic, ...
(Beyond Pesticides, September 17, 2024) Today, International Microorganism Day, is a prime moment to focus on the complexity ...
Study reveals discrepancies in European Union pesticide exposure models risk assessment versus real-world measurements.
After the release of a study in Science that pinpoints the cycle of increasing pesticide use with ecosystem and bat decline, ...