According to customs data, in August 2024, China's rare earth permanent magnet exports reached a record 5,326 mt, up 26.1% YoY. According to customs data, in August 2024, China's rare earth permanent ...
On September 27, nickel ore inventory at ports nationwide slightly increased by 60,000 wmt to 9.472 million wmt compared to September 20.
This week, SMM refined nickel inventory in six major regions accumulated to 31,816 mt, an increase of 1,921 mt WoW. As nickel prices fluctuated upward, the overall market transaction activity did not ...
According to the latest SMM survey data, refined nickel inventory in the bonded zone reached 3,100 mt this week, a decrease of 1,000 mt WoW. The survey showed that some overseas nickel plates were ...