台東蝸牛小米粽食品中毒案造成3死,粽子「食餘」檢體經檢驗後,衛生福利部食藥署昨(19)日公布檢出有機磷劑「托福松(terbufos)」。今(20)日疾管署再公布送驗之8名病患血液結果,均檢出「托福松」;另外界質疑的「聚乙醛」,台大收件之8名個案均未檢 ...
義大利羅馬精品品牌FENDI看重中國內地演員唐嫣的氣質與實力,簽下她成為最新的代言人,大家也非常期待未來他與宋慧喬、許光漢合體! 有在追陸劇的粉絲一定對她很熟悉,今年大家都有在追王家衛導演的 ...
[Newtalk新聞] 黎巴嫩真主黨成員使用的呼叫器(俗稱B.B ...
The Democratic presidential nominee said she can support both the Second Amendment and commonsense gun reform.
輝達股價近來劇烈震盪,執行長黃仁勳也頻頻傳出賣股的消息。根據美國證券交易委員會9月16日披露的文件,黃仁勳在9月12日、13日以每股均價118.9663美元,售出24萬股普通股,價值約為2855.19 ...
Vice President Kamala Harris told Oprah Winfrey Thursday that any intruder who breaks into her home is "getting shot" in what ...
District Judge Kevin Mullins was shot inside the Letcher County Courthouse. Kentucky State Auditor of Public Accounts Allison ...
"I really haven't been treated well," Trump said during a speech ostensibly devoted to fighting anti-Semitism.
Media mogul Oprah Winfrey will be in Michigan tonight to host a livestream event with Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
North Carolina Lt.t Gov. Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor in that state, denied the accusations put forth ...
House Republicans have shifted gears as they race to avoid a government shutdown, eyeing a three-month stopgap spending bill ...