In order to maintain a reasonably sufficient liquidity in the banking system, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) launched a ...
Mega Motor, a subsidiary of Pakistan's largest private electricity producer Hub Power (Hubco), is forming a partnership with ...
The US and Japan are close to reaching an agreement to restrict technology exports to China's chip industry, the Financial ...
LI AUTO-W(02015.HK) shows a triangle breakout. Last printed at 73.250; fell 1.147%; on volume of 1.31M shares and turnover of ...
GEELY AUTO (00175.HK)'s new energy vehicle (NEV) series brand "Geely Galaxy" announced that the "Geely Galaxy E5" tracked ...
Head Shoulders bottom is a typical bullish signal, when stock price breaks the resistant level, uptrend would possibly start.
美的集團(00300.HK)公布,9月25日,整體協調人悉數行使15%超額配股權,涉及合共8,489.32萬股H股;每股價格54.8元,額外所得淨額約46.15億元。超額配股權股份預期9月30日開始買賣。(de/d) ...
新創建集團(00659.HK)公布,執行董事林戰將從首席財務總監調整為首席營運及財務總監,10月1日起生效。在其現有的職責及責任外,林先生亦將協助執行董事及聯席行政總裁鄭志明及何智恒處理集團日常管理及營運。(de/d) ...
智通財經APP獲悉,谷歌 (GOOGL.US) 已向歐盟委員會提起反壟斷訴訟,指控微軟 (MSFT.US) 在其Azure雲計算服務方面存在不公平的許可行為。
智通財經APP注意到,美光科技 (MU.US) 可能成為最新一家向投資者證明人工智能相關設備需求依然強勁的芯片製造商。與許多同行一樣,該公司可能也承認個人電腦和智能手機等其他主要需求領域仍處於低迷狀態。