Humanism, democracy, ensuring the principle of humanity, which is in fact denied even in present-day conflicts. The humanism ...
As Europe, we must support the work of solidarity and diplomacy carried out by the Community of Sant’Egidio and other ...
What should one do when the horrors of terrorism and war render the heart dumb and deaf? Prayer is an inner force that ...
Working with the poor and not working for the poor. From a discussion on solidarity, moderated at 'Imagining Peace' by Bishop ...
After the global crisis following the Covid-19 pandemic, sustainable development issues seem to have disappeared from most ...
Not surrendering to the "false reality of war, with its unstoppable logic" and instead imagine peace. Words spoken by ...
A long history of friendship links Sant'Egidio to the representatives of the great religions of Asia. Since the prayer of ...
How can religions resist evil? This was the question that animated a discussion led by the theologian Armand Puig I Tarrech.
No one can remain indifferent to the increasingly rapid development of artificial intelligence, which offers great ...
More than 150 religious and political leaders from diverse backgrounds convened in Paris for Sant’Egidio’s International ...
Imagine Peace, towards the Final Ceremony from the Place Notre-Dame ...
Hope is in short supply,” despair seeks to overwhelm us “but it has no future,” explains Justin Welby, Archbishop of ...