By Sarah Legge, Professor of Wildlife Conservation, Australian National University Braedan Taylor, Traditional Owner; Karajarri Lands Trust Association/UWA, Indigenous Knowledge J ...
In our post-COVID age of climate change catastrophe, disabled people are ideally equipped to imagine how to overcome barriers to an inclusive world. Andy Jackson led a collaboration of disabled ...
Maarten de Laat, Professor of Augmented and Networked Learning, Director Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L), Academic Lead AI for LIFE CRC bid development, Education Futures, ...
The COVID pandemic is ongoing, but scientists are on alert for any pathogen that might lead to another global outbreak of disease.
Concussion is considered a ‘mild’ injury, but effects can last a lifetime, especially with multiple impacts. Understanding their long-term effects can help predict who might develop neurodegeneration.
Tom Hartley, Lecturer in Health and Physical Education, University of Tasmania Vaughan Cruickshank, Senior Lecturer in Health and Physical Education, University of Tasmania In terms of AFL grand final ...
Faire carrière en politique est particulièrement difficile pour les femmes, qui doivent veiller à ne pas ternir leur image. Kamala Harris est la dernière en date à vivre ce double standard.
Le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme, Volker Türk, a sonné l’alarme jeudi sur l’intensification des combats pour le contrôle de la ville d’El Fasher au Darfour-Nord, au Soudan, ...
A la tribune de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, le Président de la République centrafricaine, Faustin Archange Touadéra, a décrit jeudi les ravages du changement climatique et demandé une ...
Demolitions in Addis Ababa have become common as the state seeks to attract private and foreign capital to modernise the city.
Responding to the announcement by Australia, Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands during the UN General Assembly yesterday that they will initiate legal proceedings that could ultimately lead to ...
Haroon Saloojee, Professor of Child Health, University of the Witwatersrand ...