The 'Vijay 69' star recently posted a heartwarming video of his interaction with Adi, the autistic son of his late friend, Sujata Chakravorty. In the video shared by Anupam Kher on his Instagram ...
Colin Firth is a father of three kids: sons Will, Luca and Matteo. Here's everything to know about Colin Firth's children.
Pongal is just around the corner this year with several Tamil movies hitting the big screens for the occasion. Let’s take a look at some of the first releases in 2025!
Avinash Ashok and his wife Trese Maria Joseph announced they are expecting their first child, bringing joy to their fans.
Anupam Kher is known for his versatile attitude and kind personality in the film industry. Recently, the Vijay 69 actor ...