Amazon has introduced the Echo Spot in India, a compact, Alexa-enabled smart alarm clock priced at Rs 8,999. The device ...
Streaming giants such as Spotify, YouTube Music, and Amazon contributed to a 7.8% revenue increase in music, reaching ...
Elvis Presley's final birthday details have been shared by his last girlfriend Ginger Alden, who tragically found him dead just eight months later.
YouTube Music detailed the start of its new "monthly audience" metric for fans on an artist's page. This statistic will ...
Former punk rocker Karen Kay says she's been able to see the winged mythical creatures since she was a child - and she ...
We all know how much money footballers can make. Even a Tory billionaire said this week that FTSE bosses - who are already in the top 1% of earners - should be paid like "top-rate footballers". At ...