One of the most touching tributes to the victims lost in the Kyoto Animation incident is a statue in Japan’s Kyoto Prefecture. Staning ten feet tall, the statue itself consists of thirty-six birds to ...
MAPPA's Attack on Titan adaptation since Season 4 was so disappointing that fans wished WIT had somehow remained in charge ...
February 10th is right around the corner and that means we are getting ever so closer to the English dubbed theatrical ...
Mikasa ended the 2,000 year-old curse when she sacrificed the love of her life to save the world, but she did a lot more than ...
I am eating Attack on Titan food for 24 hours! This is going to be a wild ride as I dive into the world of Attack on Titan ...
Before Eren, Attack on Titan initially had a completely different main character. Here's a closer look at Attack on Titan: ...
Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist stands out for their deep, realistic, and compelling portrayal of mental health, ...
Eren Yeager is one of the most memorable characters in anime, and with Attack On Titan drawing to a close, his words resonate louder than ever.