A study looking at a small region in Japan has shown that the properties of fault zone rocks really matter for the generation of earthquakes.
F or decades, geologists have been puzzled by the Denali Fault, a sprawling 620-mile geological feature in Alaska.This massive strike-slip fault system, where tectonic plates slide past each other ...
Papers with interesting supplementary info (which can be a pain to track down, so I've provided bundled links), movies, and selected recent papers. More publications on my CIRES page. Tectonic ...
But there are dangerous faults right under metropolitan Puget Sound, too — with comparable power for destruction. 1. Buried danger: A slumbering geologic fault beneath us An earthquake along the ...
My research couples kinematic and mechanical analysis of geologic structures and orogenic belts with models of erosion in actively deforming regions. I also study how incremental strain is accrued ...
Literal groundbreaking research by Dr. Giorgio Arriga enhances our understanding of the long-term evolution of seismogenic ...
“Critically stressed” is when the geological formations are subjected to stress levels that bring them to the brink of ...
Literal groundbreaking research by Dr. Giorgio Arriga, conducted as part of a joint PhD program between Roma TRE University and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), enhances our understanding of the ...