This Groundhog Day, discover a few fun facts about the legendary Punxsutawney Phil, including who he’s actually (supposedly) named after.
Celebrate Lunar New Year and Black History Month, find out whether more winter is on the way, and explore specials during a pair of restaurant weeks.
Get ready for Groundhog Day with these surprising details about America's oldest weather-predicting groundhog.
Will the groundhog see his or her shadow Sunday morning? Supposedly, if said animal — most famously Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania — is frightened by that shadow and heads back inside, we’ll have ...
In the early morning hours on Feb. 2, furry forecaster Punxsutawney Phil and his Inner Circle will face a massive crowd of ...
Pennsylvania's own Punxsutawney Phil is a product of a storied tradition (and superstitions) that stretch back years and ...
Sirianni tends to write columns about birds, local politics, travels, the Philadelphia Eagles’ (more birds) head coach Nick ...
It may only be January but some are already thinking of summer. And nothing says summer quite like like the Great New York State Fair.
Over the years, looking to Pennsylvania’s most famous rodent to tell us when we can usher in spring has become a tradition.
In a Fox 32 special report, Jake Hamilton takes a look back at what it was like when Groundhog Day was being filmed just ...
Groundhog Day is happening this Sunday. In western countries in the Northern Hemisphere, the official first day of Spring is ...
This year, we can expect a family affair because this will be Phil's first Groundhog Day as a father. Last spring, Phil and ...