Despite their cute appearance, house sparrows are invasive and can cause more harm than good. Here's what to do to keep them ...
Backyard birds may seem ordinary, but there's more than meets the eye. Our database shows you the top ten birds in your state ...
The house sparrow is yet another tiny avian invader from Europe. The birds were released in Brooklyn in the mid-1800s to combat the linden moth population. The house sparrows then spread across ...
Discover the winter beauty of Berkshire County through birdwatching adventures, featuring rare sightings of rough-legged ...
A chipping sparrow perches on a caged bird feeder. This individual is in nonbreeding plumage. Note that it has a rather ...
If I have a favorite gadget, it’s probably my Bird Buddy, a Wi-Fi-connected bird-feeding webcam that delivers beautiful, up-close images of doves, cardinals, sparrows, and woodpeckers.
Peter Vankevich By Peter Vankevich There is always a bit of excited anticipation for birders who participate in a Christmas Bird Count.
Smack in the centre of Eindhoven, where high domestic tower blocks are being constructed, sparrows can find a new home in a temporary sparrow garden. It is a tiny patch of green on the Stationsweg ...
The color and vibrancy of the summer nesters has passed us by, leaving us with nature’s toughest: the cold-season birds.
I know I won’t sleep again until I can identify them ... the far wall is my bird book. As I’m pulling boxes down to find it, I’m aware of my belly – harder now and rounder, not just thicker. The ...