The 22nd series of the entrepreneurial reality show airs on Thursday night on BBC Two, 20 years after the first episode aired in the same week in 2005.
Musical references to gambling and casinos: in genres such as jazz, blues and rock, song lyrics and artists’ aesthetics often ...
Although many actresses were considered for the Annie Wilkes role, it's hard to picture anyone playing the demented nurse as ...
Mark Wahlberg has come a long way since his modelling days. In the process of landing two Oscar nominations, he's worked with some impressive co-stars.
A 99-year-old veteran's mission to return to the Netherlands for a momentous anniversary alongside his hero mates reveals a ...
In 1991's Misery, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, Bates played Annie Wilkes, an overzealous fan of author ...
As Dragons' Den celebrates its 20th anniversary on our screens, let's take a look back at the success stories that slipped past the Dragons on the BBC show.
Will Ferrell recently surprised fans at the Los Angeles Kings hockey game by showing up in his famous Buddy the Elf costume—but with a twist. Instead of the upbeat, smiling Buddy from the 2003 holiday ...
Will Ferrell surprised fans by dressing up as his iconic character, Buddy the Elf, at a Los Angeles Kings hockey game.