The portrayal of Jesus has changed quite a bit throughout the centuries. The artists of the earliest paintings of Christ were not concerned about historical accuracy, but rather symbolism.
In the midst of his teaching ministry, when the “important people” were gathered with weighty theological questions, Jesus welcomes the children and says, “Let the children come to me, and do not ...
At the same time, I think we're encouraged to engage in this kind of historical critical study because it enriches our understanding of the world within which Jesus operated, within which ...
When we oppose the actions we see around us, we can't give in to the bullies and tyrants, we must offer alternatives and work to achieve them ...
Perhaps the single most famous person in history, Jesus is a superstar of religion. He is not only the founder of Christianity, but also an important figure in Judaism and Islam. This engaging ...
At the same time, I think we're encouraged to engage in this kind of historical critical study because it enriches our understanding of the world within which Jesus operated, within which ...